Larry Combest Community Health and Wellness Center Mosaics 4 panels, each measure 8ft. X 9ft Lubbock Texas [glass mosaic tile on exterior walls]
This project is a series of glass tile mosaics which are installed in four architectural niches on the entrance of a new health clinic building in Lubbock, Texas. The team of Joshua Winer and David Fichter was commissioned by Texas Tech University through a percent for art competition, to design, build and install this large scale mosaic based on the themes of health, culture, community and education.
Community Caring, Community Healing 22 ft. X 12 ft. Martha Eliot Health Center, Jamaica Plain, MA [Acrylic paint on MDO]
This mural, in the front lobby of a neighborhood health center, depicts images of health care interwoven with images of community history. A central image is of the doctor with the stethescope listening to the heartbeat of the surrounding community. The mural design was the result of a long process of interviews and brainstorming with longtime staff and residents of nearby neighborhoods.
Lifeline: Creating a Healthy Community 21 ft. X 145 ft. Practicare Health Clinic, Los Angeles, CA [Acrylic Paint on exterior stucco wall.]
This mural was commissioned by SPARC as part of their Neighborhood Pride Mural Program. The theme of the mural combines images of community and healthcare. It was painted with the assistance of community volunteers and paid youth.
Children Are Our Future 1991 30 ft. X 20 ft. Dimock Community Health Center, Roxbury MA [Acrylic on block wall]
The design for "Children Are Our Future" was selected by competition. It spans three stories of an interior wall in the Youth and Family Services Building of the Dimock Community Health Center.